San Diego Foundation Repair

San Diego Foundation Repair

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foundation repairDo you need San Diego foundation repair help? Does it feel like your home is about to fall apart? Keep reading to learn how to fix your home!

San Diego often brings to mind amazing weather. Beach houses and water views may be some of the first images that come to mind. However, being on the beach can be treacherous for a San Diego foundation.

The area’s climate conditions may lead to sinking or settling of a foundation and cause problems for your home. Hot summers and rainy winters may be a catalyst for your foundation beginning to crumble. You may start to notice cracks in your walls or above the windows or uneven floors. If you notice these signs, you likely will need to call someone who specializes in foundation repair. Read on for what to do to repair your San Diego home – and call a professional as soon as possible!

If your house has a drainage problem, you’ll need to remember to waterproof to prevent against the rainy season in Southern California. You can install a sump pump so that water doesn’t build up in your basement or cellar. When water builds up on the bottom levels in San Diego, it can cause your foundation to weather away over time and crack. Additionally, if water seeps into your ground floor or basement during rainfall or you see mold in your house, your issue is likely water.

If the issue around your foundation in San Diego is cracked concrete, this can be repaired with an epoxy. Epoxy is a liquid that your foundation repair person will squirt into cracked concrete. He or she uses a special epoxy gun to inject. Once inside the concrete, the liquid hardens to seal up the concrete. An epoxy is a good choice unless you are worried about the crack leaking, in which case you can use a polyurethane material. In San Diego, your home is susceptible to water, and because polyurethanes harden quickly, they aren’t likely to leak.

You may even find that your foundation needs to be lifted. If this is the case, you can use a helical pier. A San Diego home foundation expert can install this device under your home’s foundation to lift back up the home. Helical piers are great for extra support and they work well in all types of climates. Additionally, if you have expensive shrubbery or a lawn, a helical pier doesn’t mandate you to get rid of that. Most importantly, they will still hold the your home in place even if the soil underneath it starts to move.

If the foundation of your home needs lots of reinforcement, you have the option to install wood and steel braces down your walls and secure them with joists (braces in the ceilings and the floor). This will help limit further movement.

Unfortunately, the final step for some is not repair work – it is excavating the foundation, but this is a last resort because it is expensive! If cracks are too deep or the floors are too uneven, you may need to unearth and rebuild. If you suspect that your foundation is cracking, do not wait to call a foundation repair expert. Keep your San Diego home both looking great and in good condition by looking out for issues.

On a regular basis, we will purchase properties with foundation issues. If you don’t want to deal with the tedious process of repairing a foundation, we can help, click here for a free consultation.


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