Finding a Foundation Repair Contractor

Finding a Foundation Repair Contractor

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foundation repairPicking the right foundation repair contractor can be difficult. A faulty home foundation can seem like the biggest problem in the world – which is why you need someone up to the task of fixing it. Read on for some important things to consider when hiring someone to fix your home.

You’ve noticed the cracks, the uneven floors, and the doors that won’t close. Maybe you’ve noticed cracks in the brick outside your home or that the windows are sticking shut. Now that you’ve determined you have a foundation problem, you feel upset. Unfortunately, if you do not pick the right person to fix this job, this may only be the beginning of your headache.

Foundation work is not something that most people know how to do, so it is important to immediately seek out the right professional to help fix the issue. When deciding who to trust with this important task, you need to ask the following questions:

Do you have a license and insurance? The fastest way to tell the difference between a professional and an amateur is that a professional will be licensed to do work. A professional will also have insurance for his or her employees, as well as property insurance.

Do you have ICC-ES approval? The ICC-ES stands for International Code Council Evaluation Services. Believe it or not, this is a group that exists solely to evaluate foundation repair methods. If you are considering a company that hasn’t been given the ICC-ES stamp of approval, look elsewhere.

Do you have a warranty? If your foundation starts to fail again in a couple of years, you want to know that someone will come back to fix it. Furthermore, you want to look for a national company that has a warranty trust. This ensures that if the company goes out of business, there will still be someone to fix your foundation.

Do you have a depth clause? Most contractors who do foundation repair put a clause in their contract pertaining to the depth of hydraulic piling. Often after 20-30 feet, there is an additional charge. You want to be sure that the foundation repair contractor isn’t overcharging you for the work.

How long have you been in business? You should hire a refutable company with a long history of good work. If a company has been doing foundation repair for a long time, you should be able to find many positive reviews.

Will I lose any shrubbery? Sometimes you’ll have to sacrifice a plant or a bush when doing home foundation repair. Bushes in the way will need to be taken out of the ground and later replaced. If your house is falling apart, this should not be a deal breaker for you, but it’s a good question to ask. You want to know exactly how much you’ll be giving up before you begin.

Picking the wrong home repair contractor can not only be expensive, but also frustrating. Asking these questions ahead of time will ensure that you minimize the issues that you have control over – like who to hire.

On a regular basis, we will purchase properties with foundation issues. If you don’t want to deal with the tedious process of repairing a foundation, we can help, click here for a free consultation.  Follow us on Facebook for more tips on foundation and construction issues: click here 

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