Are habits important? You betcha! We all only get 24 hours in a day to achieve our goals, but some of us are much better at maximizing our time than others. What’s the difference? Morning habits. If you’ve ever examined a successful real estate investor and wondered how they possibly have time to do so much, then you’re not alone!
When we read articles about successful real estate investors who are buying and selling property like there’s no tomorrow, it’s hard not to wonder how they always seem to be one step ahead of the game. You can learn the habits of the successful by imitating their habits, starting from the moment they wake up.
No one likes to wake up at 5:30am, but it’s important to be ahead of the game. If you feel like from the moment you wake up you’re already behind schedule, then it’s important to get your body on an earlier clock.
The most successful real estate investors know that you always have to be one step ahead of the competition. This includes waking up to take care of business before the competition beats you to it. If you’ve ever wished you could wake up already showered, dressed, and with the gym behind you, then add an extra hour to your day to make this happen. You can start by moving your alarm clock up 15 minutes each week, and before you know it, you’ll be an early riser!
Successful real estate investors are constantly on the lookout for their next investment, they need to stay informed. Keeping up-to-date on industry news is an essential way to start the day.
Reading about news in your own industry is crucial, but so is reading about world events or the stock market. These other industries tie in so heavily with real estate and impact our decision making process. Make sure that you understand in today’s world, your industry doesn’t live in a bubble. In addition to keeping up with directly relevant news, think about other factors that might affect you as well.
Some tasks have less value then others. Going through your email inbox is less important than a meeting you have scheduled to demolish a building. Successful real estate investors learn to prioritize and then execute the priority tasks efficiently.
Mornings should be started by going over what’s on your to-do list and prioritizing a couple of projects based on what will net you the most return. Any activities that you can do to grow your business are essential. I like to call these tasks -income producing activity. An optimal day would have an Investor engaged in income producing activity 75% of your day. Administrative tasks and deadlines that are further down the road shouldn’t take priority. Successful real estate investors know that time is money and they ensure they are focusing on the most important tasks, first.
Once the day starts, it can be hard to allocate time for the gym, so successful real estate investors knock fitness off their list in the morning. If you don’t feel like you can immediately change from hitting snooze to swimming laps at 5:30am, start gradually.
The first week you wake up early, do 15 minutes of yoga to get your blood flowing and loosen up your body. The next week, make it 30. In a month, commit to actually being at the gym. Learning to move your body in the morning takes work, no doubt about it. You know what is awesome?, Seeing that it’s 6:30am and the gym is checked of your list. The more in shape you are, the more energy you’ll have to tackle the rest of your day.
Get it Done!
Schedule and Stick to It
If you took a five minute break to check Facebook and realized a half hour later that you were still browsing the site, then you definitely have extra time in your day that you could be maximizing. Successful real estate investors have every hour of their day accounted for to maximize time and efficiency.
You may not love the idea of having a calendar tell you what to do every half hour, but if you start to plan your day beginning at 5:30am, you will realize that you have more time than you think to achieve your goals, and may stop being so stressed. Make yourself a calendar and stick to it.
If you would like to hear more about the habits of successful RE Investors, click here